New! Try Málstaður, a platform for all of Miðeind's main products.

Everything about the first release of Málstaður

Team Miðeind is proud to introduce our latest product, Málstaður, which combines all of Miðeind's main solutions on one integrated platform. Málstaður supports seamless flow between underlying solutions to expedite and simplify work, making it easier than ever to work with Icelandic text and speech from A to Z. Málstaður enhances the utility of individual solutions, and their flow between each other adds significantly to the overall functionality and user experience.

Málstaður can be used free of charge at málstað A subscription includes increased benefits beyond the free version of Málstaður, which can be read about at málstaðáskrift. Málstaður also offers corporate subscriptions for those interested, but you can contact

Málstaður received a Growth Grant from the Technology Development Fund in spring 2024, which has helped tremendously in achieving goals.

What is the idea behind Málstaður?

Miðeind ehf. is a leader in language technology and artificial intelligence solutions for Icelandic. We strive to be at the forefront of language technology and artificial intelligence in Iceland, and we have our finger on the pulse in these matters. Miðeind has one of the largest teams of experts in artificial intelligence and language technology in the country, who are well-versed in the latest developments.

One of Miðeind's key values is to support Icelandic society and strengthen the position of the language with forward-thinking solutions in language technology and artificial intelligence. We want to put practical artificial intelligence and language technology into the hands of as many people as possible, while developing and operating solutions for businesses and public entities. The general public has not received enough support so far, and thus the idea of Málstaður was born, where the public can use the most advanced artificial intelligence solutions for Icelandic free of charge.

Underlying solutions of Málstaður

In the first version of Málstaður, three solutions are brought together: Málfríður, Hreimur, and Svarkur. More Miðeind solutions are expected to be integrated into Málstaður in the coming semesters, with the goal of better meeting the needs of the general public in Iceland.


Málfríður is the heart of Málstaður and makes it easy to create good text. Málfríður uses artificial intelligence to instantly analyze and correct aspects of spelling, grammar, and style in text.

How to use Málfríður?

You can write directly in the editor in the interface or copy and paste text, and then continue working on the content in the editor. Málfríður proofreads what is written and provides suggestions on what could be improved. The suggestions can address various language issues, such as spelling, grammar, word choice, and punctuation. You can accept all suggestions at once, but you can also go through them one by one and get more information.

With a subscription, you can also receive texts from Hreimur and continue working on them. Whether you're writing a book, preparing a presentation, or simply want to write better emails, Málfríður is a powerful tool that helps your messages hit the mark.


With Hreimur, you can get and record good ideas anywhere. In daily life, it can save a lot of time to brainstorm ideas and text out loud. However, it's time-consuming and complicated to transcribe spoken language into written form with correct punctuation and formatting.

Hreimur takes in spoken language and turns it into a clean text with punctuation and capital letters in the right places. The text therefore requires minimal adjustments - for example with the help of Málfríður - before it is processed further.

How to use Hreimur?

You start by recording your speech in the interface, but a subscription allows you to submit audio files in all major file formats. Hreimur then analyzes the speech, converts it to written text, and automatically adds punctuation where appropriate. You can send the text to Málfríður for further processing. You can download both the recording and the resulting text.

Hreimur opens new avenues for creative and professional writing by making the process from speech to text simpler, faster, and more accurate. Whether you're an author, journalist, student, or lecturer, Hreimur will change how you work with text.


Svarkur is Miðeind's question-answering and search solution. With Svarkur, you can ask questions and get answers in natural language. Svarkur supports many languages, making it a tool that suits diverse needs. You can ask questions and get answers in the same language, from databases that may be in another language.

Svarkur looks at many sources at once when forming an answer and takes into account previous context in the conversation in its responses. If the answer received is not satisfactory, you can ask further and more specific questions. In addition to the answer, Svarkur provides references to the sources used to produce the answer. This way, the user can verify the answer and explore additional material.

If no sources are found for an answer, Svarkur returns a standard response to that effect instead of making things up. Thus, Svarkur does not go beyond its role and does not create answers built on sand. Svarkur received a Growth Grant from the Technology Development Fund in autumn 2023.

How to use Svarkur?

You can either write or read a question into the interface. You don't need to learn special vocabulary to use Svarkur; you can ask in natural language that you're comfortable with. Svarkur answers in clear and concise Icelandic, or other languages if requested. Svarkur answers the question and refers to the sources involved, so you can learn more about the topic.

In conclusion

We are incredibly excited to see Málstaður come into use by the general public, and to see the benefits that can be achieved by utilizing such solutions.

You can try Málstaður for free by logging in at málstað We encourage everyone to try it out and we gladly accept any kind of feedback to improve Málstaður.

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